- If Ellen was president, there would be no wars. Just dancing.
- 55% of people will yawn after reading the word “yawn.”
- It is actually illegal to name your child “Ikea” in Sweden.
- Hyenas are more closely related to cats then they are to dogs.
- The original name for the Disney Channel character “Hannah Montana” was actually “Alexis Texas.”
- Young sloths have been known to fall to their death because they sometimes mistake their own arms for tree
- branches.
- Your nose runs when you cry because there are little holes in the corners of your eyes which drain excess tears into your nose.
- In Bali, twins would often marry each other - It was assumed they had sex as fetuses.
- Suicide is the leading cause of death for people in Japan under the age of 30.
- The Pokémon Koffing and Weezing were originally named NY and LA.a
- The U.S. Air Force research laboratory contemplated making a "Gay bomb," a weapon that would induce homosexual behavior when dropped.
- When kissing, high amounts of dopamine are released in the body - Effects are loss of appetite and inability to sleep (symptoms of love).
- Studies suggest that the anti-inflammatory properties of marijuana can prevent the clumping of brain proteins - a cause of Alzheimer's.
- Forgiveness actually has health benefits! It can reduce the risk of heart attacks and slow the spread of cancer.
- In 2005, magician David Blaine was sued by a man named Christopher Roller for using his "Godly powers without permission."
- Scientists have determined that counting sheep does not help you fall asleep - But, visualizing a calming landscape will help.
- "Somniphobia" is the fear of sleep.
- The average person wakes up about 6 times every night.
- A snail can stay asleep for 3 whole years.
- In Oklahoma, it's actually illegal to take a bite out of another person's hamburger.
- Scientists suggest that the average person will fall in love seven times before they get married.
- If Bart Simpson were a real person, he would be 34 years old.
- Paul McCartney's first name is James.
- For about $2,200 you can get a gold iPad2. You can also get a platinum one for $2,400.
- Studies show that before we even speak, the way we stand (slouched or not) counts for over 80% of a first
- impression.
- Falling in love raises levels of nerve growth in a person's brain for about a year and can improve their memory.
- About 1 in 5 long term relationships began with one or both partners being involved with someone else.
- Aside from the 3 monkeys that depict “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil” there’s also a 4th that symbolizes “do no evil.”
- Zebras are actually black, with white stripes - If you were to shave one, it would be completely black.
- The difference between a “gift” and a “present” is that a gift is simply given, while a present must be “presented.”
- Children exposed to violence in the family show the same pattern of activity in their brains as soldiers exposed to combat.
- Saddam Hussein was forced to watch the South Park movie over and over again after he was captured.
- The first word to ever be spoken on the moon was “Okay.”
- Jackie Chan is actually a classically trained opera singer.
- The oldest cat on record is 38 years old.
- The French equivalent of ‘LOL’ is ‘MDR’ or “mort de rire” which actually means “dying with laughter.”
- The word “sex” appears 275 times in the book “50 Shades of Grey.”
- There are about 73,500 Gangnam Style parody videos on YouTube.
- Captain Crunch’s first name is actually Horatio.
- The longest case of hiccups lasted 69 years.
- New Zealand has a human population of about 7 million and about 30 million sheep - Thats 7 sheep per person.
- Elephants can move their skin to crush mosquitoes between their rolls of skin.
- J.K. Rowling (author of the Harry Potter books) is now wealthier than the Queen of England.
- In the summer of 1995, the Nicktoon “Rugrats” surpassed Seinfeld and Frasier, in becoming the most watched show among adults ages 18 -31.
- Michael Jackson had a meeting at the World Trade Center on 9/11 but missed it because he overslept.
- “Ed, Edd n Eddy” is Cartoon Network’s longest running series, airing for almost 11 years.
- Having an orgasm a day can add up to 4 years to your life - 700 in a year can add up to 8 years to your life.
- The average person has a lifespan of about 25,000 days.
- The average person farts 14 times a day.
- The two most effective treatments for battling depression are exercise and spending time with pets.
- Chinese parents have the ability to sue their children for not visiting them enough.
- A “moment” technically means 90 seconds.The rhyme “Step on a crack, break your mother’s back” was originally “Step on a crack and your mother will turn black.”
- A 1960 study found that LSD had the ability to cure 60% of alcoholic patients.
- With less than an hour’s time of instruction, people can be taught how to hold their breath underwater for over 4 minutes.
- The chills you sometimes get when listening to music are caused by a releases of dopamine in your body.
- Dancing, drawing, painting, singing, and masturbating can all help combat depression.
- We've already forgotten 40% of what happened to us yesterday.
- Due to our natural instinct for protection, we naturally tend to focus on the negatives of a person more than
- the positive.
- People who move together (such as dancing or walking) will automatically strengthen their bond with each other.
- Our memories aren't that reliable. What we remember is usually altered by our emotions and other thoughts at that time.
- Attractive people are easier to read and understand. People are more likely to positively judge an attractive person.
- People are naturally happier when kept busy, but are programmed to be lazy.
- Risky behavior is contagious. Our bodies can detect this in the sweat of others near us, causing us to feel anxious and risky also.
- The things that we smell, touch and see strongly influences the way we think. This is called "embodied cognition."
- We spend about 46.9% of our time simply daydreaming.
- According to a Florida State University experiment, 75% of men would agree to sleep with a stranger.
- Men have dreams about other men 70% of the time, while women dream about both genders equally.
- Chimpanzees, sea lions, and elephants all have better memories than humans.
- People with Conversion Disorder experience physical effects from emotional stress -- Teasing them can cause temporary blindness.
- People who own dogs tend to be more outgoing and are more likely to carry conversations with others.
- Staring is an auto-suggestive power -- If you drop your bags and stare at someone, that person will probably be the first to help you.
- Prostaglandins, a component of semen, act as anti-depressants.
- If Barbie were real, she would be too skinny to bear children, and to disproportionate to walk upright.
- Honey is so easy to digest because it's already been digested by a bee.
- Harry Styles (From One Direction) was born with 4 nipples.
- Chewing gum has been proven to improve a person's mood, while decreasing anxiety and stress.
- You are more likely to memorize what you've written, if you wrote in blue ink.
- Hopeful people are more likely to eat fruit, while happy people tend to prefer candy bars.
- Intelligent men tend to be more sexually faithful.
- Relationship insecurity can actually lead to heart problems.
- You are only born with 2 fears -- We are naturally afraid of falling and loud noises.
- It takes about 4 seconds for a silence to become awkward.
- It takes about 1/5th of a second to fall in love.
- The average couple bickers about 2,455 times a year.
- Psychologists have found the more friends a user has on Facebook, the more likely they are to suffer from stress and anxiety.
- Men tend to spend more money when they are not in a relationship.
- The chills you sometimes feel when listening to music is called "musical frisson."
- Heavier women tend to be more intelligent -- They also tend to produce more intelligent children.
- Splenda is actually 600 times sweeter than sugar.
- From fossil evidence that was uncovered in New Zealand, researchers have found that penguins actually coexisted
- with dinosaurs.
- Mosquitos are more attracted to the scent of smelly feet.
- Studies have found that marijuana use does not actually lower the IQ of teens.
- Regularly consuming berries can help reduce your risk of a heart attack by about 32%.
- The term “kiss my ass” dates back to at least 1705.
- It is illegal for a man to marry his wife’s grandmother in Colorado.
- Humans spend a third of their life sleeping (at least 25 years or more).
100 facts tweets from UberFacts and OMGFacts #1
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